Archive for November, 2012

October 2012 housing numbers: Good news for Phoenix Homeowners

November 19, 2012, the National Association of Realtors reported a median price increase of 11.1 percent year-over-year and 5.4 month housing supply for the nation.  Twenty nine percent of these transactions were reported to be “all cash” sales, which should add stability to this rising market.

As covered last week in Housing Inventory Drop is ‘Old News’ for Phoenix,  inventory in the Valley of the Sun is very low – with only a three month supply valley-wide.  These factors, along with an already appreciating market, favorable interest rates and a Fed Chairman pushing for less stringent home loans,  set the premise that the Phoenix housing market looks ready to ramp.

Excerpt below from Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke on Challenges in  Housing and Mortgage Markets

“The Federal Reserve’s Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices indicates that lenders began tightening mortgage credit standards in 2007 and have not significantly eased standards since.”

“Certainly, some tightening of credit standards was an appropriate response to the lax lending conditions that prevailed in the years leading up to the peak in house prices….However, it seems likely at this point that the pendulum has swung too far the other way, and that overly tight lending standards may now be preventing creditworthy borrowers from buying homes, thereby slowing the revival in housing and impeding the economic recovery.”

If banks follow through and ease credit, even more money will be chasing an already tight supply of housing.

Big money confirms positive sentiment, with the purchase of 563 acres in Mesa cited as one recent example.  While there are contingent factors like interest rates, how the approaching Fiscal Cliff and solvency issues of FHA are handled, the Phoenix housing market looks bright from here.

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Housing Inventory Drop is “Old News” for Phoenix

Over the past year or so, Phoenix housing saw market improvements reminiscent of 2003 – when the market started rumbling it’s previous parabolic ascent.  Rates are extraordinarily favorable and buyers again are chasing homes as they come on the market.  If they need certainty and must have a house by a specific date, waiting for bank-owned or short sale approval is not an option; so their “real” available inventory is even more limited.  Current residential statistics show only about a 3 month supply of homes across The Valley.

The Monthly Housing Summary released November 14, 2012 by the National Association of Realtors, details year over year changes by geographic area and headlines boast “Report:  Housing Inventory declines 17% year-over-year in October“.   The data presented, shows Phoenix has seen more than a 20% drop in inventory for this same period.

These headline numbers voice the frustration of  cautious buyers in the Phoenix area.  The good news is that despite the reported drop in year-over-year inventory, the number of listings have grown since  May, 2012 and the latest month-over-month inventory grew by almost six percent.

When there is only a three month supply of homes on the market, an increase of  available inventory is healthy for a sustainable market.  More good news is that short term median list prices overshot in April 2012 and have gradually been adjusting to levels that might be appealing to buyers.

Next week we see how the the scheduled NAR report on existing home sales and inventory stacks up with the local market.

Short Sale & Foreclosure Stats

Election day 2012, Calculated Risk posted an updated Table of Short Sales and Foreclosures from Selected Cities from economist Tom Lawler.  Our data confirms positive trends in the Phoenix area.  With nearly 40% of sales categorized as “Distressed” in Phoenix, the market needs momentum to keep clearing distressed properties from inventory.

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November 2012
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